Brake caliper

Price from to
ABS 620852
Retail price from 2511.6 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 620851
Retail price from 2691 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 523702
Retail price from 2646.15 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
TK equipment
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 528872
Retail price from 2511.6 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 528871
Retail price from 2511.6 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 522701
Retail price from 2780.7 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 529521
Retail price from 2466.75 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 430592
Retail price from 2556.45 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
TK equipment
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 623912
Retail price from 2646.15 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 623911
Retail price from 2646.15 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 529462
Retail price from 2421.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 529461
Retail price from 2421.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm

Top Rated

Total: 649 UAH