Brake caliper

Price from to
ABS 521451
Retail price from 2332.2 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 521511
Retail price from 3812.25 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 521512
Retail price from 2556.45 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 721152
Retail price from 1524.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 721151
Retail price from 1524.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 420091
Retail price from 2780.7 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 726132
Retail price from 1524.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 726131
Retail price from 1524.9 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 621431
Retail price from 2511.6 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 721362
Retail price from 2466.75 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 721361
Retail price from 2466.75 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm
ABS 721572
Retail price from 1659.45 UAH
Ø piston, mm
Braking system
even article numbers
Weight, kg
Performance of the brake caliper
Number of connectors
The distance between the mounting holes, mm
for the thickness of the brake disc, mm

Top Rated

Total: 649 UAH