The Japanese company Subaru is one of the most famous manufacturers of cars on the market, which is highly appreciated by fans of outdoor activities. It was introduced in Japan in 1954. All cars are assembled in Japan. Reliability of products is confirmed by the authoritative world ratings. Subaru's production volumes are relatively low. Since the beginning of its development, the company had to struggle for survival, as at small output volumes it was difficult to withstand competition in the global market. But that is changing. If in 2016 produced up to 900 thousand units per year, in the coming years, according to the company's plans, output will be increased to 1 million cars per year. One of the leading models in the world's security ratings is Subaru Forester. When buying Subaru auto parts, it is important to detect counterfeits. For example: when looking at spark plugs, you can pay attention to the fact that the color of the package printing is different, at the places where the body is connected to the insulator there is no ceramic powder, the font and the clarity of the marking are different, the central electrode and the color of the core are not like the original, the insulator cone is poor-quality, the bending of the side electrode is different. As a rule, the non-original can always be revealed by the inconsistency of the package alone, which is true for all Subaru parts.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
Tomorrow (0 w/d) Order to 12:15 tomorrow.
142 UAH
142 UAH
In the Cart
In the Cart
Втулка стабілізатору задн. Forester, Outback (заміна на новий номер GV0434)
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
24.01 (4 w/d) Order to 12:00 tomorrow.
142 UAH
142 UAH
In the Cart
In the Cart
Втулка стабілізатору задн. Forester, Outback (заміна на новий номер GV0434)
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
CTR - a well-known manufacturer of auto parts, which places orders from well-known concerns from Korea, such as Hyundai - KIA, Daewoo. He also worked with Ford and GM. It has more than 1000 parts positions for cars from Japan. All CTR parts are ISO 9001/9002 certified. CTR products include: ball bearings, bushings, steering tips, car suspension levers, brake pads, stabilizer rods, steering rods, pistons, silent blocks and shock absorbers. Motorists note the very high quality of all parts. However, in the boxes bearing the CTR company name, they can find the same OEM parts for Korean motor vehicles, but for more low prices. Another nice point: most of the parts for KIA cars from this company are also compatible with Hyundai cars. Before buying parts, CTR makes sense to understand the markings: the first four letters in the designation indicate the brand of the car on which this part can be installed. Worth the fear of forgeries! The branded product features several interesting things: on its package there is a QR-code (sometimes together with a hologram), the quality of threaded connections on the parts is always very high, rubber products never smell of rubber, spare parts are made in black.
Dear Customers!
Here you have a rating of suppliers: - High execution; - Average execution; - Low execution
(the ability to purchase a unique product, or at a bargain price).
25.02 (26 w/d) Order to 12:00 tomorrow.
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939 USD
908 EUR
40 554 UAH
939 USD
908 EUR
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