Price from to
 NK 293462
Retail price from 1121.25 UAH
Length, mm
 NK 293024
Retail price from 986.7 UAH
even article numbers
Length, mm
 NK 292634
Retail price from 1031.55 UAH
even article numbers
Length, mm
 NK 292572
Retail price from 762.45 UAH
Length, mm
 NK 291949
Retail price from 941.85 UAH
Length, mm
 NK 291943
Retail price from 538.2 UAH
 NK 293704
Retail price from 448.5 UAH
for the manufacturer
FACET 103029
Retail price from 1210.95 UAH
Pressure from, kPa
Pressure to, kPa
Output voltage from, V
Output voltage to, V
ERA 551834A
Retail price from 269.1 UAH
The number of pin contacts, -pol.
Plug body shape
BOGAP C6116108
Retail price from 1390.35 UAH
Weight, kg
BOSCH 0390241590
Retail price from 2601.3 UAH
Mounting side
Voltage, V
ABS 30634
Retail price from 852.15 UAH
The greatest length, mm
Length, mm
Sensor type
Plug color
Cable length, mm
even article numbers
Weight, kg

Top Rated

Total: 649 UAH